Four Shopping Center Security Best Practices

The holiday season is just about to arrive, and with it comes a significant increase in shoppers in stores around the nation. Even amid the COVID-19 pandemic, it is still expected that there will be a big increase in shopping numbers around Black Friday and beyond, if to a smaller extent than in most other years.

This makes it a great time to more heavily invest in the security services you have at your shopping center, and to get a refresher on some shopping mall security best practices in Fort Myers, FL. Here are some things to remember.

Make sure all personnel—not just security personnel—are properly trained

This includes all personnel at the mall, everyone from valet staff to workers at information desks and janitorial staff, and even workers in individual retail stores. Obviously these people aren’t going to have the same degree of security responsibility that specialized security staff will have, but they should still know how to screen the area, how to securely move cash, situations in which they should advise security staff of potential threats, how to report suspicious activity and how to address visitors’ questions.

Plan out specific security procedures for busy seasons

The general craziness of the holiday season should lead to additional security tasks, including going through equipment and emergency procedures. You should meet with your employees to discuss and communicate important safety and security issues. Make sure you review all procedures to report suspicious behavior, emphasize the importance of staying alert and make sure you have a sufficient number of flashlights and radios.

Have a plan for opening and closing

Around Black Friday, you’re much more likely to have a line of people waiting to get into the store at opening, and difficulties getting people out of the stores at closing. Maintain the opening and closing times as much as possible, but get employees on site earlier to ensure preparedness for opening. Have security personnel placed at entrances and make sure people enter the premises in a safe, orderly manner. During closing, make sure you inform visitors in advance of closing time and get them out as quickly as possible. Have signs clearly placed on all doors and walkways so people can easily find their ways to the exists.

Bring in more guards

As needed, deploy some additional security guards to patrol the shopping mall during your busy season. This includes patrols prior to opening and after closing. Have one additional security guard during opening hours, a couple more stationed at strategic locations (such as the food court and common areas) and an extra guard for outdoor patrols and checking of important facilities, such as mechanical rooms and the roof. After closing, have guards at entrances to make sure people do not attempt to re-enter.

Focus on high-risk areas such as garbage bins, washrooms, underground parking and utility centers.

These are just a few tips to help you improve your shopping center security this holiday season. For more information about what a Fort Myers, FL security patrol service can do for your shopping center, reach out to American Pride Security Services, Inc. today.

How Security Guards in Retail Can Help with Loss Prevention

Theft is one of the most common concerns among retail business owners. No matter what you’re selling or how vigilant your employees are, there’s always a risk that you will lose some of your merchandise to theft. Not only does theft take a toll on your bottom line, it can also contribute to security concerns for your employees and your customers. To minimize theft and maintain a more secure environment in your store, consider the benefits of retail security guards in Fort Myers, FL.

Retail security guards are trained to facilitate loss prevention in stores like yours. These professionals are equipped with the training necessary to identify potential theft and respond proactively to keep your merchandise, your employees and your customers safe. Here are a few of the ways in which retail security guards in Fort Myers, FL can help with loss prevention:

  • Deterrence: The presence of retail security guards can be a sufficient deterrent to many would-be shoplifters. Seeing security guards in a store can give people second thoughts about attempting to steal merchandise. Even if your security guards don’t encounter much shoplifting in your store, their presence can still be very valuable in preventing shoplifting from occurring in the first place. Deterrence is the first line of defense for retail stores against shoplifting and merchandise loss.
  • Less stress for employees: Tasking your employees with security duties can distract them from their regular work and detract from their ability to deliver quality customer service. Hiring a security guard with the sole responsibility of handling your store’s security is a great way to give your employees freedom to focus on their roles while ensuring your store is protected from theft.
  • Proactive security: Retail security guards in Fort Myers, FL have the training necessary to proactively identify shoplifters and stop them before they make away with any of your merchandise. This proactive security can reduce merchandise loss significantly and help you save money on replacing stolen goods in your store.
  • Better chance of stopping intruders and shoplifters: If someone breaks into your store or steals merchandise, it can be difficult to find recourse through local law enforcement reports. If you don’t have any evidence that identifies the intruder, police likely won’t be able to find them and recover the stolen merchandise. Working with a company that offers comprehensive security measures, including security guards and video monitoring systems, increases your ability to successfully resolve the issue with the help of law enforcement. Police can use evidence from security footage to identify an intruder or shoplifter and pursue the case.

Retail security in Fort Myers, FL

If you’re interested in learning more about retail security in Fort Myers, FL, reach out to American Pride Security Services, Inc. We have been proud to provide effective, professional security services to clients throughout our community for decades. Since we began offering our services, we have developed a reputation for the high quality and professionalism of our security guards. Give us a call to find out more about our services and schedule a consultation.

Protecting Your Business During Protests

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution affords us all the right to peacefully protest the actions of the government, private industries and even private citizens when necessary. As you are no doubt aware, the nation is currently embroiled in a series of massive protests—which often attract looters and rioters who take advantage of the relative anonymity and police distraction to cause destruction or steal property.

Having a private retail security service in Fort Myers, FL can help you protect your business and property while others are exercising their right to free expression. Here’s how to take precautions to make sure that your business stays safe:

  • Stay up to date on what’s happening: The most important thing you can do is keep yourself informed of what’s going on. Reading the news is a good start—try to find out who (if anyone) was harmed and how, and any important details like time, location and how many people contributed. Local online forums can help you stay on top of where the next protests will take place.
  • Talk to local authorities: Call your local police department as well as other authorities to find out whether they expect protests to have an increased risk of violence or property damage. Ask them what they suggest you do to keep your business safe.
  • Change your business hours: Keeping yourself and your employees safe should be your top priority. If a protest is happening near your business, consider closing early or altogether that day. Not only will it ensure that everyone is out of range if some attendees choose to vandalize or steal property, but it will also help everyone avoid getting stuck in traffic or police action.
  • Make sure your insurance is up to date: If your property is affected during protests, you’ll want your insurance to help you pay for the damage. Give your insurance company a call, make sure your policy covers these instances and that it’s current. It could save you plenty of headaches and out-of-pocket costs down the line.
  • Hire a private security service: Security services might not be able to prevent all damage to your property, but having a security presence available certainly sends the message that your business doesn’t take vandalism or theft lightly. Whether as a deterrent or to prevent crime, hiring a retail security service in Fort Myers, FL can help save you time and reconstruction costs.
  • Consider property protection measures: In addition to security services, you can also take other safety measures. Install good-quality video cameras pointing at the front and inside of your building, remove all valuables and make sure money is protected in a fireproof safe. Alarm systems, secure locks and boarding up windows can also help deter criminals and prevent property damage.

Ultimately, your first priority should be protecting yourself and your workers—and when that’s taken care of, hiring a local retail security service in Fort Myers, FL can help with the rest. Interested in learning more? Call American Pride Security Services, Inc. today.

Why Your Small Business Needs Retail Security Guards in Fort Myers, FL

Small business owners have a lot on their plates. They have to wear many hats and manage multiple moving parts. If you are in this category of entrepreneurs, it’s important not to let one crucial aspect of business ownership slip under your radar among the many responsibilities you’re juggling. This aspect is security. If you have a storefront, do you have retail security guards in Fort Myers, FL?

You should. Retail security guards in Fort Myers, FL offer several benefits to your business. Following are the top seven.

1. Theft Prevention

One of the most obvious threats to any small business is shoplifting. Retail security guards in Fort Myers, FL will help prevent this loss to your company. Since shoplifting can significantly impact your bottom line, preventing this loss is a top benefit of security services.

2. Theft Detection

Not only can retail security guards deter thieves, but they can also detect them. Trained in identifying shoplifters, they can stop criminals before it’s too late with appropriate intervention measures.

3. Thief Apprehension

Do you know what to do if you catch someone stealing from your store? Most business owners wouldn’t know what steps to take next. Trained retail security guards in Fort Myers, FL can safely confront shoplifters and proceed appropriately.

4. Employee Theft Prevention

Let’s not forget about the potential for employee theft. Unfortunately, this is a fairly common occurrence. Since small business owners put a lot of trust in their employees, it can be easy for them to get away with theft. With proper security in place, this will not be possible.

5. Vandals

Theft isn’t the only potential threat to your business. Vandalism can also be a costly crime committed on your premises. With retail security guards in Fort Myers, FL monitoring your store, vandalism is far less likely to occur.

6. Crowd Control

Does your retail space ever become overcrowded? Especially during peak shopping times, crowds can become hard to manage and may even become dangerous. Retail security guards in Fort Myers, FL can provide the crowd control you need to maintain a safe setting. They can establish boundaries, escort customers and offer a commanding presence that keeps people in line.

7. Customer Appeal

Customers want to shop where they feel safe. If they know you have security on the grounds, they will feel that criminals are less likely to lurk in your shop. They will know that trained professionals are on the premises if needed. This can add appeal to your business, encouraging customers to spend more time in your store.

Secure Your Small Business

Don’t miss out on the benefits of retail security guards in Fort Myers, FL for your business. Contact the professionals at American Pride Security Services, Inc. to put proper security in place at your location. With over 35 years of experience, our team is a trusted leader in security and protection services. We offer unarmed uniformed officers, building lock-up and alarm setting, industrial location and warehouse security, emergency planning and property patrol. Give us a call today!

Employee Theft: An Important Consideration for the Security of Your Business

When you hire someone to work at your business, you most likely assume that they want the best for your company, just like you do. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Some people are untruthful and will do whatever it takes to make more, including stealing from their own employers.

If you’re worried about employee theft, you might want to look into retail store security in Fort Myers, FL. Read on to find out more information on how employee theft hurts your business, and how an investment in security can help you:

  • Cutting down your profits: Running a business is stressful. You want the business to make good profits, and reaching that goal takes a lot of work in general. When you add in a problem with employee theft, you just add to the amount of stress you’re under as a business owner. And you may not think that employee theft is that common, but according to research, a whopping 75 percent of employees have reported stealing at least once from their employers. Another piece of research from 2017 notes that this theft contributes to business shrinkage by as much as 30 percent. That’s a big hit to your bottom line, whether it’s from cashiers skimming from the register or employees sneaking items from a recent shipment.
  • Keeping employees happy: One way you might be able to cut down on employee theft is by keeping your employees happy to be in business with you by offering fair wages, good benefits and a positive work environment. It’s true that there are some people who will not steal if they like the company, but a lot of times employees will face circumstances outside of their employer’s control that can lead them to make poor decisions. For example, imagine that employee whose spouse lost their job and left the family desperate for money. This type of problem could certainly push an otherwise good employee over the edge into criminal activity.
  • Security guards help: On top of providing a good work environment for your employees, you can cut down on theft by using security guards. These guards can provide a watchful eye that notices when employees might slip into stealing, on top of helping to prevent regular theft as well. Some employees might bristle at being watched, but if you make the guards a part of the whole business team, they should soon embrace them.

Using retail store security in Fort Myers, FL is a big step toward protecting your company, and you’ll want to make sure you choose the best security company in the area. If you’re in need, look no further than American Pride Security Services. Our company has put together an exceptional team of officers who can help with any of your security needs.

Since 2005, American Pride Security Services has offered a range of services, including providing officers, property patrol, security consultations, building lockup and parking details. Call today to find out how our team can help you and yours!