Bored in Retirement? Join Our Security Team!

For many middle-aged workers, retirement is the ultimate goal. After years of working hard at a career, many people are eager to quit and have time to enjoy themselves. Once they are finally able to retire and kick back, though, they sometimes find that they are bored with sitting around the house all day. Many seniors discover that they actually want to stay active and busy into their later years.

If you are in this situation and bored with lounging around during retirement, perhaps it’s time to consider re-entering the workforce. One often-overlooked but excellent career choice for a retiree is security guard services in Bloomingdale, IL. As a security guard, you have the opportunity to work, stay active and meet new people each day.

American Pride Security Services hires a diverse group of security guards to oversee the safety of a variety of locations, including construction sites, retail stores and residential communities.

Here are a few reasons why becoming an unarmed security officer in Bloomingdale, IL may be a good post-retirement option for you:

  • Keeps you active: Security officers are on their feet a lot, walking around the building and observing potential safety risks. This can help you maintain a healthier and more active lifestyle, which can reduce the risk of diseases and physical ailments that often plague many retirees due to their more sedentary lifestyles.
  • Relatively low risk: Contrary to popular belief, not all security guard jobs are dangerous. There are different kinds of jobs to work, and an unarmed security officer in Bloomingdale, IL is likely to be in charge of access control and observation, which are low-risk jobs that will keep you busy but safe.
  • You’re right for the job: As a retiree, you have years of past experience speaking with colleagues, working in professional environments and navigating tricky situations that have prepared you for a career in security. Security guard services also offer something that’s right for everyone, which makes retirees the right people for the job.
  • Every day is different: A job providing security guard services in Bloomingdale, IL comes with a bit of excitement, which is something many recent retirees crave. Each day will be a little different, with opportunities to meet new people and solve new problems. If you find retirement boring, a job in security can fix that for you!
  • Financial security: Potential health risks and lifestyle changes are two things that scare retirees the most in today’s world. By taking on a job after retirement, you’ll be able to maintain a stable income and worry less about how to make ends meet without giving up the things you love most in your day-to-day life or worrying about how to pay for medical expenses, if they occur.

The diverse team at American Pride Security Services has offered security and protection services for over a decade, from security surveys and consultations to uniformed officers at all types of locations. If you are interested in working as an unarmed security officer in Bloomingdale, IL or would like to learn more about the services we provide, call us today!

How Much Do Security Guards Cost?

Many business owners would like to hire a security guard, but they’re afraid of the cost. Yes, it would be nice to ensure that someone is watching the property at all times of day. Sure, it would be ideal to have a deterrent against theft, vandalism, armed robbery and other crimes. But budgets are tight, and this is often when security drops to the bottom of the priority list.

But the reality is that hiring an unarmed security officer in Chicago, IL isn’t as expensive as you think. You can get the peace of mind knowing that your business is protected without breaking the bank. It’s all about finding the security package that’s right for your company and fits your needs.

Are security guards worth it?

The answer is yes! The fact is that skimping on security means you’re leaving your business unprotected. While you’ll save a bit of money in the short run by neglecting an investment in security, you’ll leave your business vulnerable to threats. Do you really want to put your customers and employees at risk? Protecting everyone’s safety is a priority for every business, no matter how big or small.

You may also not know that security guards are quite affordable. The price for an unarmed security guard is typically $10 to $20 per hour, depending on the quality of the service and the level of expertise. Armed security guards typically cost a bit more, topping out at around $30 per hour. This is because they require additional training to ensure that they can safely use firearms if needed.

What kind of security does my business need?

You’ll need to make some careful considerations regarding what kind of security your business needs. The first is whether you want an armed or unarmed security guard. This depends on the area your business is located in and whether you’re comfortable with having an armed guard on site.

Additionally, you’ll need to think about what time of day is best to have a security guard. Hiring someone for overnight or overtime will cost a bit more. The circumstances of each business are different, but a good security services company will cater to your needs by tailoring a package that makes security more feasible.

Which security service is right for my business?

If you’re looking for reasonably priced, high-quality security guard services in Chicago, IL, you’ve come to the right place. For more than a decade, American Pride Security Services has been a trusted leader in security and protection services. We offer a wide array of services to fit your needs, including security surveys and consultations, property patrol, unarmed uniformed officers, building lockup and alarming, emergency planning, construction site security and parking details.

We take great pride in our work, and our officers serve with dignity and honor. We’re state regulated and licensed, along with being a proud employer of military veterans. Call us or stop by our offices today to find out why we’re the trusted choice throughout the area.

Why Your Business Should Consider an Unarmed Security Officer in Fort Myers, FL

Securing your property or business doesn’t have to mean lookout posts, guard dogs and heavily armed guards. Sometimes, having unarmed security on the premises is enough to deter a would-be criminal. Depending on the location you are trying to secure, you might find that an unarmed guard is more practical. You might be asking, “What good is a guard without a gun?” The truth is that security personnel provide a number of valuable services without having to pack heat.

Here’s why an unarmed security officer in Fort Myers, FL may be the right choice for the safety of your business.


Whether it’s private property or a valuable business you are trying to protect, consider going gun-less for safety sake. While many security guards are trained to handle firearms, the presence of a gun can unnecessarily escalate a situation and make it more dangerous for all involved. Say, for example, an armed robber sneaks up on a lone security guard, who tries to pull his weapon only to have the robber react with force. Depending on the training (and luck) your particular guard has, the situation could easily fall out of their favor and leave them injured or worse. However unlikely that scenario might be for your business, it’s worth considering carefully.


Let’s face it—some people are just not comfortable around firearms, even if they are in the right hands. With armed security, you need to be cognizant of your environment—be it a workplace, school or place of worship—and adjust accordingly. Not all of your customers, employees or visitors are going to be comfortable while there is a gun around. In some environments, having a set of eyes and fingers ready to make notes and report issues to the police is all the deterrence you need to keep your valuable property safe.


The simple fact of the matter is that an armed, trained guard is going to cost more because of the training and licensing requirements that allow them to carry a firearm in the first place. This cost ultimately gets transferred to you and your customers and doesn’t always provide the benefit you might think. Before jumping to the idea of only hiring an armed guard, consider what we’ve talked about so far and whether it’s really worth the additional cost.

Engaged observers

Pulling and holding a gun on a suspected criminal takes a lot of focus and care. The focus required could be better used getting valuable details for the police, such as hair color, license plate number, and surfaces they touched for fingerprinting. Sometimes a gun complicates the situation and can lead to your guard’s focus being in other areas. If the bad guys escape and your guard was too busy focusing on his gun, he is no good to your business.

It’s important that you protect your business from criminals while also ensuring the safety and comfort of your staff and customers. Contact the team at American Pride Security Services today for more information about hiring an unarmed security officer in Fort Myers, FL.

Why Should You Hire an Unarmed Security Officer in Fort Myers, FL?

When your goal is to increase the level of protection for your community or business as a whole, the first asset you should look into is a privately hired security guard. With a security service, you’ll be better protected from potential crime and violence, and your customers will feel your business is a safe place to shop.

However, depending on your business’ needs, hiring armed security guards may be unnecessary. The truth is that many homeowners and businesses benefit greatly from having unarmed security guards protecting their property. Their presence offers unbeatable peace of mind, and people feel comfortable being in their own domain.

If you are thinking about bringing on a security guard service, but aren’t sure if it’s worth the cost, read on! Here are some of the benefits of hiring an unarmed security officer in Fort Myers, FL.

To lower the chances of violent outcomes

Since unarmed security guards do not carry firearms, there’s less chance of violence happening on your property. The presence of unarmed guards should be a good deterrent against crime because they act more like a lookout than a bouncer or police officer. So, if someone is trespassing or attempting a robbery, your unarmed guard can contact law enforcement and give them details about the crime.

To physically monitor entry points

Access control can be an issue for some neighborhoods and certain types of businesses. For people living in gated communities, unarmed guards can be stationed at each gate to monitor who comes and goes to keep out non-residents and uninvited guests to prevent residential burglaries. And businesses that sell valuable merchandise or have a lot of cash on hand—like banks and jewelry stores—are prime targets for thieves, so they may want to have all store entry points covered by unarmed uniformed guards.

To patrol parking lots

From car vandalism to physical assaults, there is a host of scary things that can happen in unattended parking lots—especially after the sun goes down. For this reason, you should consider hiring a professional security guard service. Unarmed security officers are an excellent choice to patrol business and educational campus parking lots because they know how to detect suspicious activity and what actions to take.

To have security at all hours

There are other types of businesses besides retail stores and banks that need adequate security around the clock, such as hospitals, doctor’s offices, laboratories, and private business buildings. Moreover, any business at which employees tend to work late should invest in overnight security personnel to ensure safety. Whether security is needed in a building, on the outside of a building or in a parking lot or garage, unarmed security guards can provide peace of mind morning, day and night.

For more information about hiring an unarmed security officer in Fort Myers, FL, contact the experienced team at American Pride Security Services. We will gladly explain the difference between armed and unarmed security guards, and suggest the best option for your needs. Call us today!