The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating effect on American businesses in just about every industry. Many companies are experiencing difficult financial times, having to navigate fewer customers, slowdowns to their operations and potential inventory shortages. The result has been significant cuts and layoffs, and having to find new ways of doing business.
One way you can help to improve confidence in your business and bring about a smoother recovery is to invest in security. This is an investment that can really pay off as you seek to recover from what’s been a very difficult and turbulent 2020. Here are just a few of the ways in which security guards can help your Fort Myers, FL business recover.
Improve health and safety efforts
When you bring in a team of security professionals to your business, you can have some extra reinforcement for ensuring your business follows all proper procedures regarding health and safety. They can help you to enforce proper social distancing measures (staying six feet or more apart), limit the total number of customers you have on your property at any given time, better manage the wait lines to get inside, prevent loitering and turn away any customers who aren’t wearing masks. If you have customers who fail to properly follow safety protocols inside the premises, your security guards can step in to resolve the situation without your staff having to do so themselves.
All of these tasks not only help you to better comply with safety and health rules handed down by government agencies and health departments, but also help you to create an atmosphere that shows your customers you are taking the virus (and their safety) seriously.
Reduce your financial risk
Businesses have reported higher levels of theft and looting during the pandemic, and so it’s understandable for you to suddenly have an elevated level of concern regarding the safety of your business and items and the financial risk you’re assuming on your property. Security patrol services in Fort Myers, FL will be able to watch over your premises to significantly lower that risk you face. There are a variety of add-on security features you can employ to give your business the best protection possible.
Improve confidence in your business
Consumer habits have changed quite a bit over the last eight months during the pandemic. Now, they’re much more likely to go to businesses in which they have confidence in their safety and security.
Hiring a team of security guards can help restore confidence in your business’s security and reliability. Customers who see security guards monitoring the premises and overseeing any pandemic-related logistics and processes will feel more comfortable coming in to your facility and spending money with your company.
These are just a few examples of some of the ways an investment in security services can pay off in dividends as you attempt to recover from the financial damage you’ve experienced during the pandemic. For more information about hiring security guard services in Fort Myers, FL, contact American Pride Security Services, Inc. today.
Security in assisted living centers is vital to the health and safety of everyone who steps foot on the property. The patients often have varying levels of health and mental capacity, and their families are more likely to trust your facility when they know there is personnel on hand to keep their loved ones safe. Nurses, doctors and other staff also deserve the peace of mind knowing that, should an incident arise, they will be protected. When you need nursing home security services in Fort Myers, FL, call the professionals at American Pride Security Services, Inc.
Curious about some of the specific benefits security personnel can offer at your assisted living center? Here are some of the ways a security service can help your facility stay protected:
Specialized security for memory care patients: It is a sad fact of life that many aging people will suffer from memory-related afflictions, like Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Patients with memory loss often get confused and wander off or try to escape, which can cause distress for everyone involved. Having a robust security system allows patients, staff and families the peace of mind they need to leave their loved one in your care.
Perimeter control: Any assisted living center needs basic security to protect its residents. Thieves like to prey on the defenseless, especially if they suspect someone in the building has belongings worth stealing. Having security guards available to patrol the perimeter, parking lots and entry or exit points is the first line of defense against crime.
Fire prevention and assistance: Extra eyes and ears are useful when it comes to fire prevention and assistance. Some patients become forgetful or careless, or simply do not understand when they’re putting themselves or others in danger. Having nursing home security services in Fort Myers, FL patrolling the area helps the facility spot trouble before it starts. In case of fire or other disaster, security services can help your nursing home residents evacuate the building. They can act as first responders, helping take advantage of the precious moments in a life-or-death situation.
Guest supervision: Finally, with many visitors coming in and out of the assisted living center, you’ll want to have a presence on hand that deters any potential conflicts or crimes. Sometimes just the presence of a security guard can dissuade unscrupulous visitors from engaging in any risky or criminal behavior.
Ultimately, when your residents and their families feel safe, your work will be easier and your facility will be highly regarded in the community.
Nursing home security services in Fort Myers, FL
When you’re entrusted with the health and safety of the aging or ill, you can rise to the occasion by hiring specialized security. At American Pride Security Services, Inc., we consistently employ and deploy highly-trained security experts wherever they’re needed. Regardless of the level of security you require, know that we’re here to help. Call us today to find out how we can staff your assisted living center with compassionate and watchful security personnel.
Keeping children safe is something on a parent’s mind at all times. The summer months can present challenges, however. Children spend more time engaging in outdoor activities and your work schedule might not allow you to be with them as much as you would like while they are out of school.
The good news is, with a little guidance and security guard services in Fort Myers, FL, you can make sure your children remain safe all summer long.
Pool safety: Although a trip to the pool is a great way to cool off and have a good time, it is important to make sure your child is supervised the entire time they are in the water. It is also a good idea to make sure your child is already taking swimming lessons before heading to the pool, or get them enrolled if they aren’t. Additionally, take the time to teach them the importance of walking and not running while at the pool to avoid falls on slippery, hard surfaces.
Bicycles, skateboards, and rollerblades: It is very important children wear helmets every time they go for a ride on their bike, skateboard or rollerblades, especially if they like to ride at high speeds. It can also be helpful to make sure they wear elbow, forearm and knee pads for added protection against many common injuries.
Heat and sun damage: It is never too early to begin teaching your children the importance of proper hydration, and some of the warning signs of dehydration. This will help them to avoid the dangers of overheating, as their summer activities will likely keep them in the sun for extended periods of time. In addition, show your children how to sufficiently protect their skin from the sun by getting them in the habit of applying sunscreen regularly before heading outside.
Staying home alone: While children are on summer break, many parents will still have to go to work, and there may be times when your children are home without supervision. In order to keep them protected, make sure there is a security system installed, and your children know how to work all facets of the system. Instruct your children not to answer the door for anyone and keep emergency numbers posted and easily accessible by the phone in the event something does happen or they need to reach a trusted adult.
If you are interested in learning more about home security system options to keep your children protected this summer, contact us at American Pride Security Services Inc. We understand the importance of keeping your family and your home safe, which is why we have made it our mission to provide reliable home protection and security guard services in Fort Myers, FL for more than a decade.
To learn more about how our services can help keep your children safe all summer, make sure you give us a call to schedule a consultation today.
Private parties rely on the expertise of professional security guard services to protect buildings, homes, property, and belongings from damage or theft, as well as to protect people from harm. For example, a gated community may hire a security officer to patrol their neighborhood watching for suspicious goings-on, an individual homeowner might hire security personnel to watch over their home while out of town for a week or a business park may require a presence to increase security in its parking lot during the evenings.
However, when it comes to the demand for commercial security service in Fort Myers, FL in 2019, hospitals and other medical establishments top the list. Here’s what you need to know about why hospitals are looking to increase security in the new year.
Hospitals can benefit from security services
Since the hospital is where you go if you are experiencing a medical emergency or issue, you shouldn’t have to worry about your safety while you’re there. Unfortunately, recent incident reports prove the need for more hospital security these days.
No untrained person should attempt to handle a potentially dangerous situation on their own. If you spend lengthy amounts of time at a hospital as an employee, patient or visitor, then you know the importance of having visible security guards and police officers on the premises. Because of an increase in threats and dangers at hospitals, it’s best to call for qualified security personnel to take the lead 24/7.
Inappropriate behavior such as violence and aggression or physical and verbal abuse toward anyone on hospital property should never be tolerated. To enforce this policy, hospitals are planning to hire more private security personnel in 2019. This means they’ll be screening to ensure the people they hire are properly trained and certified to protect everyone inside the hospital and on hospital grounds.
Why hospitals experience threats
There’s more than one way to get to a hospital. Some people voluntarily walk into emergency rooms, others come into the ER by way of an ambulance and some people are admitted to the hospital prior to surgery. People may be admitted to hospitals for a variety of reasons. While some come in with injuries from accidents or natural causes like a heart attack or going into labor, others are brought in as a result of physical harm resulting from domestic disputes or gang violence.
When it comes to physical violence, it’s common for would-be assailants to try to gain access to the person or people they’ve harmed. Once someone is admitted to the hospital, the hospital staff wants to keep the patient safe while they’re getting treatment. The right kind of security needs to be at the ready to protect these patients, as well as the hospital staff.
Other common situations that can threaten a hospital’s security include aggressive behavior from those under the influence of drugs or alcohol and potentially unstable behavior from mentally disturbed patients.
If you’re interested in having more information about security patrol service in Fort Myers, FL for hospitals, please feel free to call American Pride Security Services today!
Staying at a hotel is supposed to be a relaxing experience for guests. They’re focused on the day’s activities, where they will eat dinner and whether now is the best time to hit the pool. Whether the hotel and their belongings are secure should be the last thing on their mind.
Travelers and tourists expect to be safe when they check into a hotel for a vacation or business. That’s why securing the facility and protecting customers should be the top priority of hotel management. But this can be a big challenge, with hundreds or even thousands of people coming in and out of the hotel every day. Hotels need the help of a commercial security service in Fort Myers, FL. Security guards are trained to constantly maintain a high level of safety while also emphasizing the value of great customer service. Having a security guard on the property will deter guests and others from engaging in any criminal behavior.
Not convinced yet? Here are five reasons why your hotel needs to hire a security patrol service in Fort Myers, FL:
Sense of security: Just having a guard on the property can bring guests a sense of security. They’ll have the peace of mind that comes with knowing the management is concerned about their wellbeing and is willing to take the necessary steps to keep both them and their belongings safe.
Prevention: A security guard is the perfect deterrent to crime. Aspiring misbehavers and criminals will think twice before engaging in any questionable activities after they spot a uniformed security guard.
Avoid disruptions: Guards are trained to recognize a security breach and react immediately to prevent loss and ensure guest safety—all without making a scene. This is especially important in a resort or hotel setting, where relaxation and fun are an important part of the guest experience. The security officer will take care of any issues quickly and discreetly, so guests will not notice anything.
Protect the building itself: The hotel itself is the biggest asset in the hospitality industry. A major loss to the building could cause the company thousands of dollars in repairs and even result in loss of business. An on-site security officer will prevent or limit damage to the property.
Keep employees safe: Hotel employees are experts at providing top-level customer service and hospitality to even the most difficult guests, but they’re not cops. Sometimes a law enforcement presence is needed to handle an especially trying or even dangerous situation. Protect your employees by hiring a security patrol service.
Ensuring the guests, staff and building are protected is crucial for both small boutique hotels and large name-brand chains. Hotels need a specialized security guard trained to handle the unique and varied threats found in the hospitality industry. Contact American Pride Security Services today to hire one of our experienced officers who specialize in providing quality security services for Florida hotel properties. We look forward to showing you all the benefits that come with hiring a commercial security service in Fort Myers, FL!