Handling Employee Terminations

Making the choice to terminate an employee is never an easy decision. After all, no one wants to put someone else’s livelihood at risk. That said, for every manager in every industry, there comes a time when firing one of your team members is the only viable option. Of course, parting ways with a problem employee is no reason to sacrifice workplace security in Fort Myers, FL.

When you’re concerned about the potential for fallout after you terminate an employee, having security personnel on-site could stop a rough situation from becoming worse.

Why is the termination happening?

If you’re considering firing an employee as a result of misconduct among your team, you may not be out of line in assuming that there could be some backlash. A team member who doesn’t understand how to conduct themselves when they’re in a professional situation on a daily basis likely won’t handle disappointment well.

Making sure you have an impartial authority figure on hand can act as a means to disable potentially volatile employees before things get out of hand.

Make sure your terminated employees exit

Finding out you’ve lost your job is never a fun day. For some people, however, the news that their source of income is gone can be utterly devastating, especially when they don’t see it coming. When this happens, a kind of denial can take over. Sometimes people will be sluggish to leave or will simply sit at their desk, absorbing the information. Needless to say, this can have a substantial impact on morale and productivity.

A security professional can make sure that your terminated employee removes their personal items and exits the office in a timely manner.

Are your employees in danger?

You can’t ever be sure which of your employees may pose a hazard to workplace security in Fort Myers, FL when they’re terminated. This goes double for an employee who is to be fired because of misconduct. These individuals may feel that their situation is the responsibility of a manager or another employee.

Make sure that none of your terminated employees make a rash decision by keeping a trained security professional on hand at all times.

Keep disruption to a minimum

An on-site security expert isn’t just to protect your employees—it’s also to preserve the pride and integrity of your terminated team member. A security professional will prevent curious bystanders from making a spectacle of the situation. Your terminated employee may not be excited to be escorted out by security, but they’ll appreciate the sense of privacy that a security professional can provide.

Three decades of security expertise

For more than 35 years, American Pride Security Services, Inc. has offered first-rate workplace security in Fort Myers, FL. We offer a full range of security services, including consultations, property patrol, building lockup, industrial security, emergency planning and so much more.

When you need the area’s best trained and most professional security force, come to American Pride Security Services, Inc. Give us a call today and get a real sense of safety tomorrow.

Workplace Safety: Recognizing a Disgruntled Employee

Across the United States, a record number of employees are disengaged and dissatisfied with their jobs and unhappy with their employers. In fact, a recent Gallup poll suggests that as many as 18 percent of American workers are actively working to undermine their employers.

All of this dissatisfaction in the workplace is leading to increasing concerns about workplace violence. Even seemingly small, innocuous incidents can balloon out of proportion in certain circumstances.

If you’re developing a plan to ensure workplace safety in Fort Myers, FL at your place of business, it’s important to consider the potential dangers posed by a disgruntled employee.

Disgruntled employees might be plotting an act of workplace violence that could target a specific individual or everyone in the office. Employers need to have a plan in place for when they recognize that employees are feeling disgruntled and could potentially pose a safety risk.

Potential workforce violence should be a significant factor when drafting and implementing your company’s workplace safety plan. Here are just a few signs to consider that could indicate a disgruntled employee that you should take into account when developing your plan for workplace safety in Fort Myers, FL:

  • Passive aggressive behavior: One of the most telling signs that an employee is experiencing disengagement or disillusionment with their jobs is passive-aggressive behavior. If an employee who formerly behaved professionally and kindly suddenly starts making inappropriate comments or using sarcastic humor, it could be cause for concern.
  • Social isolation: If you notice that an employee is no longer sitting with their colleagues during lunch, or that they’re outwardly avoiding their colleagues, it could be a sign that they’re attempting to distance themselves from their workplace, or that they’re experiencing a significant amount of emotional distress.
  • Lack of motivation: When your star employee suddenly stops their stellar output, you should take notice. A lack of motivation could indicate that they’re becoming disillusioned with their job and might mean that they’re starting to feel negative about their workplace.
  • Employee or customer complaints: When other employees or clients and customers begin to complain about an employee’s behavior, you should immediately begin forming a plan of action.
  • Outward aggression: Outward aggression on the part of an employee is never something to take lightly. If you notice that an employee is showing emotional or physical aggression in the workplace, you need to take immediate action. Make sure to talk to a security consultant first, though—immediate disciplinary action might lead to violence.

Since 1984, American Pride Security Services, Inc. has been a trusted provider of tools and services designed to enhance workplace safety in Fort Myers, FL. We’re proud to provide our clients with high-quality safety analysis and planning services, as well as unarmed security officers. If you’re looking for a way to make your place of business safer and more comfortable for all of your employees, reach out to one of our friendly, highly qualified security professionals. We’ll be happy to talk to you about the different ways we can secure and safeguard your corporate site.