Security is one of the most important considerations for business owners of all types. Not only is security important for protecting your property and merchandise, it’s also essential when it comes to protecting your employees, customers and other visitors to your building or facility. Investing in the services of a security consultant in Fort Myers, FL can reap a number of benefits for business owners. Keep reading to learn about five of the most important things that a security consultant can do for you.
What is a security consultant?
A security consultant in Fort Myers, FL is a professional who specializes in advising businesses on practical, effective security solutions. During a meeting with a security consultant, business owners can share their specific concerns and what their security goals are. A security consultant will take the layout and characteristics of the building or facility in mind to provide solutions that offer the greatest security benefits possible.
Benefits of security consulting
Here are a few of the most significant benefits of investing in security consulting services in Fort Myers, FL:
- Improved security of property and merchandise: The most significant benefit of investing in security consulting services in Fort Myers, FL is improved security in commercial and residential buildings and industrial facilities. Investing in security consultant services can significantly improve security in your building, reduce the risk of break-ins and minimize merchandise loss.
- Better employee morale: In addition to protecting your property, hiring a security consultant can also help you protect your employees. Taking strong security measures demonstrates to your employees that you care about their wellbeing—and that can be a big morale booster.
- Recourse in the event of crime: If a crime occurs on your property, having a security system in place offers much greater recourse for business owners. Business owners can turn over video and photo evidence of the crime to local law enforcement to improve the chances of finding and charging the individual who committed the crime. A security consultant can help you determine what types of surveillance and security systems might work best for your business.
- Increased compliance: Another benefit of hiring a security consultant in Fort Myers, FL is the fact that they can help you with compliance. Many cities, counties and states have rules and regulations regarding security, and a professional consultant will help keep you up to date on these things to ensure your facility is compliant.
- Less stress: As a business owner, you have to juggle all kinds of concerns and needs for your business. Handling your building’s security needs over to an experienced professional can take a lot of stress off your shoulders. Professional security services allow you to focus on the day-to-day operations of your business and how to support your business’ growth.
Security consulting services in Fort Myers, FL
At American Pride Security Services, Inc., we know how beneficial it can be to invest in security consulting services in Fort Myers, FL, and we are here to ensure you achieve all of your security goals for your business. No matter the layout of your facility or which security threats you are concerned with, our team is equipped with the training, tools and resources necessary to assist you. Give us a call today to schedule your appointment with one of our professional security consultants.
Security systems not only help catch criminals, but they also deter crime from happening in the first place. Studies show that businesses with security systems are three times less likely to experience a burglary than those without. Plus, businesses that invest in their security through surveillance, a security guard or security consulting in Fort Myers, FL can benefit on their insurance through lower monthly premiums. Many businesses have some difficulty in determining what security measures they should take and evaluating the current security of their business. That’s where security consulting comes in. Security consulting can help you determine which security measures are right for you. Here’s how we can help:
- Security surveys: A security survey provided by an experienced security company can give you a comprehensive analysis of your current security and pinpoint areas of improvement. Most security surveys will help assess a variety of factors for your unique situation and help anticipate certain problem situations to avoid.
- Security consultation: A security survey will help the security company determine which measures are right for your business and unique situation. Each survey should come with a comprehensive written report of the company’s findings, include notes of where security measures are good, bad or non-existent and make recommendations for improvement. This will help you identify safety concerns and remedy them.
- Surveillance systems: A CCTV monitor system can provide video coverage of the movements in and around your property. The mere presence of a surveillance camera will help deter crime, and if crime happens, you’ll have video evidence to help you press charges. Insurance companies often offer lower rates for businesses that utilize a surveillance system.
- Security alarms: A burglar alarm can be your first step in security. Many alarms are monitored by a security team, who will call you in addition to the alarm being set off. The alarm is a great deterrent to thieves, who will make a run for it and find an easier target rather than risk being caught.
- Security guard: A security consulting firm in Fort Myers, FL may recommend a security service to help protect your business. A visible human security presence can be a great deterrent, even more so than faceless cameras or alarms. Security officers are attentive and experienced in handling matters of security, and can help in dealing with problems as they arise. Employing a security service can also help lower your insurance premiums, as many insurance companies recognize that a security guard will significantly lower your crime rate by making you a much less attractive target.
Nothing provides peace of mind like a security patrol. American Pride Security Services Inc. offers security surveys and security consulting in Fort Myers, FL, as well as security guards and services. We can help survey your property for bad or non-existent security and provide the security to meet your business’ needs. We offer a complete range of security patrol and guard services, from neighborhood patrols at scheduled intervals to stationary guards at strategic checkpoints and constant surveillance of particular problem areas. Our staff is highly trained and well-vetted, as well as observant and vigilant. Call us today to learn more about how we can help.
If you’re planning an event that will require the use of security guards, one of the questions you’re likely to have is about how many guards you’ll actually need at the event. After all, you’re going to want to have a good idea of how much you need to budget for security, and you’ll want to avoid overpaying so you can keep expenses from getting higher than they truly need to be.
Here are some of the factors you’ll need to consider when hiring security guards for your event. At American Pride Security Services, our team provides security consultation in Fort Myers, FL to help you determine exactly what your security needs might be:
- Number of people you expect at the event: When you’re planning your event, you should have at least a very rough idea of the number of people who could attend. Is this a large-scale event, or one that’s designed to be more intimate? Are you looking at dozens, hundreds or thousands of attendees? In some cases, you might be able to get a more exact idea of the numbers after you’ve sold tickets for the event if it’s one that will require tickets. You won’t be able to determine your security needs if you don’t have at least an educated guess as to your attendee figures.
- Type of event: As a general rule, we recommend hiring one security guard for every 50 guests. However, there are some types of events that might require more guards than others. For example, large music festivals that will have potentially intoxicated or raucous attendees might require some extra security, especially compared to orchestra concerts geared toward older attendees.
- Type of attendees: We briefly touched on this in the previous point, but the type of people attending your event is just as important a consideration to keep in mind as the type of event itself. Consider demographics such as younger versus older, professionals versus fun-seekers, people with a higher public profile, etc.
- The company you’re working with: Having the right security guard company to work with for the event is also an extremely important consideration. You might be able to get away with having fewer guards in the right circumstances if you can trust the level of professionalism the company will provide in the security guards they send to your event. If they have a solid plan of action, are fully licensed and come across as being professional and trustworthy, you don’t necessarily need to max out your budget on security—you can trust the recommendations provided by the company with regard to numbers.
However you go about your security guard hiring processes, it’s important you make it a priority in advance of your event. Security should be considered an integral part of your process of planning for the event, not just an afterthought.
For more information about hiring security guards for your next event, contact a provider of security consultation in Fort Myers, FL and we will be happy to answer your questions.
No matter what occupation you hold, it is likely that your job requires you to use a lot of different skills. Whether you are an event planner or a business owner, it is important that you are able to juggle many different tasks that require a variety of strengths and personality traits. Even though security guards may be primarily associated with being observant and knowing how to handle potentially dangerous or illegal circumstances, they have to have a number of additional skills in order to ensure that they are able to do their jobs as effectively as possible.
Believe it or not, human relations is actually a significant part of security guard services. When security guards are providing patrol services at a large event or in a big retail space, it is important that they are able to communicate and relate effectively to attendants. There are several reasons why it’s so important for security guards to have the ability to effectively relate to other people.
Why communication is important skill for security guards
Security guards can be stationed at a variety of different posts. Whether they are patrolling the perimeter of an event or checking tickets at a sign-in booth, it is likely that they will have to interact with various members of the public in one capacity or another. If someone wants to report something suspicious to a security officer, it is important that they feel comfortable approaching the guard and explaining the situation. This means that a security guard should be able to listen effectively and communicate with members of the public in a way that puts their minds at ease. This element of trustworthiness can impact the overall mood of an event. When people feel safe and secure, they are more likely to enjoy themselves.
The most important communication skill for a security officer is active listening. Oftentimes, security guards will need to pay close attention to a report that includes many important details. The more closely they listen, the more likely it is that they will know how to handle the situation in a way that is safe and effectual. Empathy is another important trait in a security guard. Working to understand the perspective of others allows security guards to work with people in a way that is respectful. Additionally, communication and empathy make it much easier to deescalate a situation.
Learn more about security guard services
At American Pride Security Services, we understand how important it is for security guards to be able to communicate and relate to the public effectively, which is why we have been a trusted provider of security guard services for over a decade. We have all of the necessary licensing and certification to be able to render outstanding security services to a variety of different clients. We would be happy to help you get started with a security consultation and more information about all of the services that we can offer you.