Duties of a Trained Warehouse Security Officer
If you’ve looked into being a part of the security and protection industry, then you know there are several different types of security guard positions you can train for. You just have to know where you want to lend your security services—for example, like a mall security guard, campus security patrol officer or an event security officer. While there are typical duties of a security guard, each type of guard has specific duties and requires different skills, largely depending on the type of environment they will be assigned to work in. This is why proper training is so important.
Whether you provide security for a business, school, public event, festival or construction site, know the duties for each will vary. Let’s take a look at the duties of one type: a security guard trained in warehouse security.
Close monitoring
Because most warehouses are not open to the public, they will hire security guards to closely monitor and control all warehouse access points—including people coming and going and why—and computer systems. This is an important duty of a warehouse security guard.
As the warehouse’s security officer, you maintain control over the access points of the building and any goods brought in by delivery vehicles. You’ll inspect people, vehicles and items at the entrance to the site, which could mean using a metal detector or performing physical checks. You are responsible for making sure everyone entering is supposed to be there, as well as inspecting everything that people bring into or remove from the warehouse.
Physical presence
The physical presence of security guards in any business or work environment can be enough to deter would-be criminals, so it makes sense that sites like warehouses would benefit from hiring security officers. With specially trained on-site security personnel guarding your warehouse—whether from a watchpoint or on patrol—your company’s staff, visitors and property will be kept safe, and your structure secure. Warehouse security guards are trained to respond quickly to issues, but the type of action they take depends on the agreement between the security company and the warehouse owner. More specifically, this means determining whether they remain hands-off and simply report an incident or jump into action to apprehend criminals.
Electronic security monitoring
A warehouse security guard will likely be in charge of monitoring computerized control systems, ensuring that all site technology is being used appropriately and only by authorized people. Your warehouse security officer training may also include tech troubleshooting and computer maintenance.
Furthermore, many warehouses have security systems in place to protect their property and merchandise. A trained security officer will have the ability to maintain, monitor and use a site’s chosen security system, which may include security cameras, motion or pressure sensors, and other electronic detection devices. Having trained security professionals in charge of monitoring these systems and equipment means fewer false alarms, quicker response times and on-site response and assistance.
If your warehouse, business, school campus or large event needs security guard services, look no further than the trained professionals at American Pride Security Services. Contact us today for more information!